If a student is missing do they have a background based on immigration? Is the student in Denmark or has it been shipped abroad because the student acted out or just had become too Danish?
If the student has been exiled, the social services will intervene and secure siblings so they don't risk the same ordeal. Parents can be jailed - even for years until the child abroad is legally an adult.
Why is it so important to rescue the children place in such a situation?
Because the children often return frustrated and filled with anger. Years ago an Italian student was murdered by two teenagers who had been exiled and the trial showed massive emotional damage inflicted in these two teenagers as result of their exile.
The Danish parliament sought to stop exiling teenagers and teachers and social workers were ordered to report every single missing teenager, so this evil could be stopped.
The authorities in Fairfax, North Carolina has not acted based on the fact that young Sofia Roberts has been exiled to Siberia and is now in risk of never being able to return.
We feel that the authorities should step in and take the half-siblings into custody as protection against similar revenge in the future.
Children should never grow up in fear of punishment from their parents.
The American girl caught between two worlds (The Siberian Times)